Being Unbiased, Bipartisan and Watching the Impeachment Hearings is the most American Thing to Do.
Do not cast judgement till all the facts are laid out before you.
To understand the impeachment hearings it’s best to watch it instead of wait for recaps from fox, cnn or anywhere else.
I believe most of the major news networks are streaming it. I watch it on YouTube.
If you want an unbiased opinion watch it yourself. To think it’s a hoax, a sham or wasted US taxpayers payer dollars without even taking the time to watching it yourself… well your opinion and your debate is invalid.
As Americans it’s our sense of duty to watch and observe and learn for ourselves. Don’t rely on what others say. Don’t listen to the pundits. Don’t listen to to the far left or the far leaning right. Look into it yourself.
Watch it. Ponder it. Pray about it and you will know the truth as long as you watch with an open bipartisan mind.
Let’s be respectful to one another. Everyone has an opinion and a point of view. But let’s Focus on the following key points of this whole impeachment inquiry laid out before us.
- Is it wrong for a US president to ask a foreign entity into investigating a private citizen of the US or a political candidate?
2. Why was the Ukraine military aid held up when it was already approved by Congress?
3. Was their a quid pro quo? This for that?
4. Was what the president did put our national security at risk?
5. Was what the president did an impeachable offense according to the laws of our constitution?
If you answered YES to any of these questions than I would suggest you reflect on this not as a Republican or a Democrat but as an American citizen who believes in the constitution and our democracy.