Dear Political Facebook Friends…
This is a long one. Read on…
I’ve come to an awakening.
Dear friends with all your deep opinions of politics. I see some of you are set on a certain mindset while others see things as I… and some are simply fooled into believing what they want believing it as truth.
So here is what I have learned in disagreeing, debating and agreeing with some of you.
- You need to see two sides of an issue. For and against. If you have already formed an opinion and refuse to budge… your mind is closed and it’s useless trying to convince or reason with you otherwise.
2. Pride and thinking your always right simply shows ignorance on your part. And some of. you think your so right when you couldn’t be more wrong. Don’t be afraid to say your wrong.
3. All this debating makes me realize. I honestly don’t want to be friends with some of you. Not because I don’t like you, but simply because your viewpoints and ideologies aren’t aligned with mine. And I don’t need that negativity or stress in my life. It’s a waste of energy for both of us to pretend.
Lastly. I do respect all of your beliefs. And I’m doing my best now to understand both sides. I don’t want to see people divided. I don’t wish for my words to divide people. I want to awaken people to the reality.
I believe we should be united.
I’m not going to convince you to follow me. You do what you do. I’ll always respect that.
I want to follow a leader a who unites the people not divide. A leader who respects women, children, disabled people and men of all color and ethnicities.
I follow God. Am good with Buddha And have much love and respect for Mohamed.
I don’t judge people. I love people. It’s not my right to tell you what to believe and what to follow. But I can share with you my insight.
Stop trolling. Keep it real and keep your mind open.
Don’t fall for digital propaganda.