Declaration of State of Emergency Japan – Japan takes on the Corona Virus
Good News Conference from Prime Minister Abe. Very informative, detailed, encouraging and realistic.
On Strategy
- saving people’s lives
- saving the economy.
- balance the two
- we are Japan
- asking people to adhere to social distancing.
- asking people to stay home.
- encouraging people to be united in following protocols
- avoid crowded spaces
- protect our society by practicing social distancing and staying home.
- we are in a state of emergency
- business are limited
- evening entertainment facilities close.
On Social Media
- don’t spread panic news
- don’t spread false information
- unite to flatten the curve
On why it took so long
- it was growing slower here
- we had experts following clusters
- they have been preparing hotels for major overreach.
- they have wanted to make sure our medical facilities not overwhelmed.
- they have been following advice of experts in preparing.
What’s Stores open
- grocery stores
- drug stores
- conbini
- trains
- hospital
- pharmacies
- restaurants (take preventive measures and close early
Health Experts will continue to chase down clusters and quarantine the infected and also will continue to work to advise government leaders
Health care workers will work with the sick and afflicted. Nurses also will be returning to the front line to help in the spike
Government will work together to make the major decisions effecting our lives and economy and being the face for our country fighting the virus. Stimulus package has been announced.
What We Can do to Help
- stay home
- don’t spread misinformation on social media
- practice social distancing.
- work from home if can
- encourage others to stay home.
We all do our part and we will flatten the curve. Japan we got this!